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Farewell Message

Wolf running with the Spirit Wind


Below are links to a few of my writings. They are all copy written, however, you are welcome to make copies to share with others so long as you acknowledge the author. I hope you enjoy but, most of all, I hope you can find a connection or something that will help you better your life. But first, here is a piece of wisdom about patience and anger- The Wolves Within

The Gladiator
Journey of the Dragon Tamer
Without Knowing
Free Flight
I Am
* Final Moments
* This is a short story and may be "intense" for some people.
If you don't want to cry, don't go there!

This poem is written in dedication to my son & daughter.
I had not seen them in many, many years when I wrote it.
Since then we have been reunited. Read about the reunion
using the second link "12th Year Miracle"
The Prince & the Princess
12th Year Miracle

Farewell Message
Please stop here befor you leave my sight!

This is a Poem written by the daughter of an alcoholic.
Then 15 years old; Coralee Draginda.
The Dragon

How can I think clearly when there's confusion all around me?
Life can be complicated when surroundings are calm and peaceful. Unfortunately, most of the time life is anything but calm and peaceful.

As beautiful as the image may seem, running in a field of flowers can be complicated by bugs, burrs, unexpected pitfalls, allergies, and humidity.

Alternatively, the excitement of living in a massive metropolitan area is marred by traffic, hectic (if not impossible) schedules, pollution, and escalating crime rates.

Our homes should be a haven of peaceful calm allowing our minds and bodies the opportunity to refresh and rejuvenate. However, for many, the home represents the greatest battle they face on a day-to-day basis.

Jane Simpson Downen Mullikin
Spirit: Finding hope in a world of uncertainty.

End of this page.