Spirituality is not A comparison of Prayers:
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In the beginning, There is not a right religion or a right spiritual way. Some pray, some meditate. Some follow a ritual, some are spontaneous. Whether you are spiritual or religious, you can pray and ask for strength and guidance. You can offer respect and honor. And you can be considerate of fellow living things. Prayer and/or meditation is the human way to seek a connection with a Greater One or Spirit, to ask for help, guidance, strength, and wisdom. Here on these special pages, I offer some ideas. I don't preach them to be truth, only offer some thoughts. Because you are the only one who kind find your thruth. On the left are links to some concepts and ideas and some prayers I have gathered to offer you. If you feel you need someone to pray for you, ask
me. Prayer to the Great Spirit Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom. Make my hands respect the things you have made Make me wise so that I may understand Help me to remain calm and strong Let me learn the lessons you have hidden Help me seek pure thoughts Help me find compassion I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, Make me always ready to come to you So when life fades, as the fading sunset, |