The Dragon
Written by the daughter of an alcoholic.
Then 15 years old, Coralee Draginda
The lone knight fights against
death in a race
icy heart, evil eyes
terrible face.
The dragon he wars with
slaughtered his wife,
took away his son,
robbed daughter of life.
The beast he battles,
a creature of fears,
created by that which
drowns out the tears.
This monster that stole his
home and his kin
is the evil that lurks
deep down within.
Such desperation for
all to be well
yet, hard as he tries
he can't break the spell.
For the witches brew
he's gotten a taste
since the first drink
his life's been a waste.
Against the dragon himself
he can't seem to fend
his intoxicated life
comes to an end
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