Wolf running with the Spirit WindThis web site has been rebuilt on another server.The new site http://RunningWolf.Wolf-Running.com is now done. Feel free to stay here and browse but please also visit my new site. Don't forget to update your book marks! If you followed a link here and you have an extra few minutes, let that web site know about my new URL. Thank you.
"Wolf Running with the Spirit Wind" is my chosen name. After speaking with an elder from the Onieda tribe, I knew this name was fitting. The elder had told me that "You are like a wolf that runs in the wind." After talking with him for some time, I knew this name spoke of the many winds of life that I run with, in, and against. I come here to teach and share. I have learned through life on life's terms that I can only keep what I have by giving it away. And so, I offer here the knowledge of life that has come to me; take what you can use and better your life. You may wonder what I can share with you. Here is a bit of wisdom passed to me about patience,
anger and serenity.
Vote For Me! at PROMISES OF RECOVERY TOP SITES A Tribute to my dog Max View Tributes to September Eleventh
Before you leave my sight, please accept my Farewell Message |
Yahoo IM.. WolfSpiritRuns
AIM IM.. WolfSpiritRuns
Music By
Elan Michaels "Windwalker"
Song: Through Eagle Eyes
Windwalker's Web Page
Wolf Running Web Design
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