Just as a mother loves and protects her only child at the risk of her own life, we should cultivate the Boundless Love to offer to all living beings in the entire cosmos. We should let our boundless love pervade the whole universe, above, below, and across. Our love will know no obstacles, our heart will be absolutely free from hatred and enmity. Whether standing or walking, sitting or lying, as long as we are awake, we should maintain mindfulness of love in our own heart. This is the noblest way of living.
Free from wrong views, greed and sensual desires, living in beauty and realizing Perfect Understanding, whose who practice Boundless Love will certainly transcend Birth and Death.
Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing
Breathing in, my in-breath has become deep. Breathing out, my out-breath has
become slow.
Breathing in, I feel calm. Breathing out, I feel at ease. I am not struggling
any more.
Breathing in, I smile. Breathing out, I release all my worries and anxieties.
Breathing in, I dwell deeply in the present moment.
Breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment.
In, out.
Deep, slow
Calm, ease
Smile, release
Present moment, wonderful moment
Another practice of mindful breathing is the counting of breath. When you breathe in count one and when you breathe out count one again. The next breath count two and the release of the breath count two again. Do this until you reach ten then count backwards until you reach one.
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